Kalamazoo Valley Genealogical Society
Kalamazoo Valley Genealogical Society -- Kalamazoo, MI
Trackers and Organizers
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File Listings: 1 to 13 of 13
Catalog genealogy articles you want to read or refer to later.
Uploaded: 4 April 2018
Make a checklist of genealogy books you'd like to buy or borrow.
Uploaded: 4 April 2018
Keep track of general research requests you send to libraries and archives.
Uploaded: 4 April 2018
Organize research requests sent to and from family members.
Uploaded: 4 April 2018
Designed for filing your notes by surname and record type: "ROBINSON: Census Records."
Uploaded: 4 April 2018
Designed for filing your notes by couple or family group: "John and Mary Jones."
Uploaded: 4 April 2018
Use this form to track searches in Ancestry.com and other online genealogy databases. You'll avoid repeating fruitless searches, and, by methodically changing one search term at a time, increase your chances of finding the record you need.
Uploaded: 4 April 2018
Plan a research trip by recording details about the archive or library you intend to visit.
Uploaded: 4 April 2018
A classic research organizer that'll help you keep track of materials you've searched.
Uploaded: 4 April 2018
List books you want to check for your ancestors' names.
Uploaded: 4 April 2018
List sources you've checked or plan to check.
Uploaded: 4 April 2018
This sheet is ideal for tracking research on long-lost relatives or 20th-century ancestors.
Uploaded: 4 April 2018
On this form, list the documents in a file folder so you can find them quickly.
Uploaded: 4 April 2018